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Sound Healing

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Sound is not only heard by the ears, it can be felt through the entire body. These vibrations have the ability to turn matter and energy into form. 


Knowing first hand how sound healing can feel, Jennifer studied under Lana Ryder as a ReikiSound Practitioner. Sound healing can encourage better well being by breaking up blocks and getting things flowing, all of which can set the body up to heal where it needs to. Different instruments used include singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, rattles, crystal triangle, chimes, and more. Other than the physical benefits there are also general relaxation and meditative type benefits that can occur. 


For Sound Healing sessions, clients can get comfortable in a position where they can relax for the duration of the session. Experiences can vary from active feelings of warmth, tingling, and other “activity” to such a deep state of relaxation where dozing off may even occur. 


Sound healing can be requested for the entire session or blended in with a Reiki session. 


Energy Exchange



Spiritual Healing Sessions:

Can blend Sound Healing, Reiki, Reflexology, and Shamanic in sessions. 

Add Henna for $10.


30 min - $50

60 min - $80




Special Offering Sessions:


Couples Reflexology/Ion Soaks at Spiritual HeArts LLC: One receives reflexology while the other relaxes with ion foot soak, then switch!

60 min - $110



R&R at ReWeaving Balance: Enjoy reflexology with Beth as Jennifer does sound healing and Reiki. 

Appointments currently offered on the first Sunday of the month!

60 min - $160


*Prices may change or slightly vary depending on location.


Sound Immersions are also offered to group settings.


Check the Events page to look for upcoming Mystic Sound Immersions (typically offered the 1st Sunday of the month) or reach out to request setting up a private event!


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Ready to go deep?


Shamanic Echo in the Cave 















Follow Erica Jo Shaffer of Wildly Crafted Women... deep, deep, deep...into the cave and yourself. 

These special events are held seasonally at Indian Echo Caverns. 


Erica Jo invites Jennifer (Priestess Sisters) to do sound work and support others energetically during the shifts of shamanic pranayama. 


Check the Events page to look for upcoming events. 

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